Contacts and info

Principal investigator

Monika Weissensteiner, PhD

Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow

My academic work develops at the intersections of (legal) anthropology, (global) criminology and international relations. After pursuing a PhD in Cultural and Global Criminology (2021, double degree from Hamburg University and Utrecht University) and with a previous MA & BA in Social Anthropology, I am currently based at the interdisciplinary School for International Studies at University of Trento. The research LEmobAB was awarded a Marie Sklodowska-Curie fellowship. In this research I combine my empirical interests and knowledge in ongoing developments of the Schengen area and in law enforcement and security cooperation, with theoretically informed questions and, last but not least, with the use of visualisation in analysis and for sciences communication. The project collaboration with the  Zurich University of the Arts will support the project’s objective to foster visualisation skills and practices in academic research. 


Institutional affiliation of the researcher

SIS – School of International Studies

via Tommaso Gar, 14 I-38122 Trento

University of Trento, Italy



Contact: m.weissensteiner [at]